Pictures to share

Since I have been so busy getting ready for winter, I haven’t written any new posts. So here are a bunch of pictures to share, offered up without explanation. Just enjoy, okay?

kindle as a puppy

Winee on her first birthday

Jack at 4 months

chip thief

Potato Chip Thief

Another cute Beta shot

5 responses to this post.

  1. Posted by seventhdayopportunist on November 18, 2009 at 10:42 am

    Love the mischievous grin on the Chip Thief.


  2. Your reindeer pics you put at my place are adorable!! You should put them up here, then you could have an updated poat too. I’ll eventually get around to updateing mine–someday!


  3. It’s time for new pics, please 🙂


  4. Posted by Danger on October 6, 2010 at 11:28 am

    Your chip thief reminds be of a good story.

    My wife set out some chicken breasts to marinate/thaw on the counter one day before leaving for work.

    She asked me to put them on the grill when I got home that day. When I got home I let the dogs out of their cages and went to prep the grill. Afterwords I went to the kitchen and found 3 chicken breasts on a plate and took them to grill. We have five people in our family so I was under the impression that it was going in a pasta dish.

    My wife got home just after I was finished with the chicken and she took the breasts and gave each of our girls one along with some side dishes. So I ask her what we were going to eat and she says there where are the other breasts.

    It turns out our Golden ate three of them (raw) while I was prepping the grill. We were worried about her getting sick but she never showed any ill effects.

    Crazy dog has a cast iron stomach.


  5. That 2nd pic looks rather like a female yellow lab.

    I love all retrievers, but like Goldens the best.


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